ASG Services: Academic Support

American Scholar Group provides great opportunities for international students to attend high school in the United States through our Study in America Program.

Part of what makes the opportunity great are our student services: Residence Life, Dining, Transportation, and Academic.

Today we are looking at the services related to Academic Support.

While our residential, dining, and transportation services are essential for student life and having a home at ASG, our students are here to earn a diploma from an American high school.

That requires success in the classroom.

Academic Services at ASG include:

  • Study Support
  • ESL/English Enrichment
  • Academic Advising
  • School Liaison

Study Support

ASG encourages students to talk to their teachers at school whenthey don’t understand a topic or what they are supposed to work on. We pick them up late if they decide to stay and work with their teachers after school.

We also have study & homework support at our dorms to help with explanations & encouragement. This aids students who are struggling & those tempted to put off their work too long.

ESL/English enrichment

An international student’s proficiency with spoken and written English is the prime factor determining their chances of success at an American high school. However motivated a student may be, they won’t get very far if they cannot understand their teachers or textbooks.

That is why ASG offers lessons at its dorms in English as a Second Language (ESL) for students working on basic to intermediate proficiency, & English enrichment for more advanced students

With these lessons students can:

  • Improve learning outcomes & grades in high school
  • Earn higher TOEFL & IELTS scores for university admissions
  • Be better prepared for the higher level of English needed at U.S. colleges & universities

Academic Advising

Using your time wisely in an American high school to prepare for admissions & success at U.S. colleges & universities can be confusing & challenging.

ASG’s Academic Advising Program is here to help with:

  • A customizable roadmap for your entire high school career to put you on the right path & guide you to the finish line
  • An approach to preparing for university applications at top 100 schools rooted in the 5 Factors of University Admissions
  • Seminars & workshops for special topics like writing personal statements
  • Monthly meetings with an advisor to help you set goals, plan how to meet those goals, & assess how you are doing with life in America & preparation for university
  • Monthly written reports tracking your goals & progress

School Liaison

ASG has partnerships with various schools to provide educational options to our students. That means working with each school to make sure our students have a strong chance for success.

The Job of the School Liaison is to:

  • Coordinate the application process to the high school
  • Track student grades through online grade portals
  • Resolve student attendance & behavioral issues
  • Coordinate credit recovery efforts when needed
  • Assist with requests for transcripts & SEVIS transfers for graduating seniors

While it isn’t possible to share everything that we do to support our international students, we are happy to share the services we provide for them while they are with us in America.

Next up we will be exploring the local region where our students live & study.

There is so much to learn & see!