ASG Academic Advising: The 5 Factors – Leadership

The Five Factors refer to American Scholar Group’s process of assessment and improvement of a high school student’s positioning for admission to Top 100 U.S. colleges and universities.

Leadership is not a single thing, but rather the will and ability to inspire others to choose and act. To support their ability to start something, continue something when it’s difficult, or to change direction.

Leadership can involve a specific position, or any kind of organized activity of which you are leading.

You can also simply take the initiative for an issue or cause important to you and work to inspire and organize others for matters great and small. At ASG, we also encourage students to found their own clubs if they cannot seem to find programs that support their interests

Whether or not you are a leader at school or in your own initiative, demonstrating a record of leadership gives schools a reason to trust your ability to be a reliable member of their community.

Leadership therefore isn’t just viewed as valuable on its own right by universities, but suggests you possess other useful and desirable traits & experiences that will enrich a university’s student body!