ASG Partner School Highlight: Kennedy Catholic High School

ASG Partner School Highlight: Kennedy Catholic High School

December 10th, 2019 | School Highlight

Did you know that the staff of American Scholar Group has many immigrants from all over the world? So we personally know how challenging it can be to enter a foreign country and successfully adapt! Those experiences always make us appreciate stories of students who feel at home in their schools. Here is a quote from a student who attends one of our partner schools, Kennedy Catholic:

“I chose to attend Kennedy, but I can honestly say Kennedy chose me. The greatest feeling was going to lunch on my first day and so many kids calling out to me to sit with them. The reaction I had was to look for someone behind me they must be talking to. The rest is history! I absolutely love going to school every day, and I look forward to attending Mass. I joined clubs: art, language, and Sr. Margaret’s famous Action Club. I even joined a sports team. After all, my friends insisted!” – KCHS Dec. Newsletter