ASG Academic Advising: The 5 Factors – More Than A Check List

In this series, we’ve introduced the basic framework of the Five Factors of University Admissions as a way to assess where you are in preparation for applying to university, as well as a way to set goals & priorities for your time in high school.

You may be tempted to see these factors as a checklist of chores you have to complete or as a way to game the U.S. university admission system. But the 5 Factors are so much more!

They are also opportunities

A chance to try out new things and to learn new things. Sometimes students aren’t sure what they like, what they are good at, what they should major in at university, or what career to pursue.

We encourage all students to try elective courses that sound interesting – you never know what may grab your interest!

No one expects you to be perfect in an American high school, and it’s a great time to learn more about yourself and be involved in new things.

Only going for courses and activities you know you’ll never struggle with is a sure way to miss out on opportunities to acquire more skills and interests you never knew about.

It is important to not be afraid to take risks & follow your passions!

ASG Advising is about helping students to imagine their futures and to take steps toward making those futures a reality. That starts with the courage to be open to the possibilities & seeing what others have done.

We will be looking at such examples to encourage & inspire such action!