ASG Academic Advising: Expressing The 5 Factors – Student Activities

Student activities are a great way to explore potential areas of interest and go more in depth with established interests. They sometimes come in the form of special events at our partner high school and or on school field trips. Other times they are part of ASG events and outings. A few are even organized by the students themselves.

ASG’s 5 Factors emphasize:

  • Expand your perspective on ways to enhance your 5 Factors
  • Provide glimpses into potential university majors and careers
  • Help you broaden your social circle & practice social skills
  • Increase your immersion into American culture
  • And of course, to have fun!

Weekends at American Scholar Group are prime time for student activities. While our activity coordination team has quite a bit planned for each school year, they also love hearing suggestions from the students.

Some trips are as simple as going to a shopping mall and local Asian markets to let students spend some time picking up snacks or ingredients to make a dish from their home country.

Other times, they may having an outing to enjoy a paintball battle, race go carts, amusement parks, or ski the slopes.

These and similar activities are fun and even leisurely, but they also introduce students to American culture in new ways!

Such immersion can be very helpful for striking up a conversation with new American friends & deciding which clubs to join.

Students have traveled with ASG to visit colleges and universities in places like Chicago, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Erie to get a better idea of what life on campus is like & to learn more about higher education in America.

Plus, we encourage juniors and first-semester seniors to arrange their own personal tours of universities they might want to apply to. They’ve done so for schools from coast to coast, from Boston to Los Angeles.

While our student road-map and 5 factors guides students to eventually narrow their focus when looking at their strengths & passions, we first encourage students to cast their net as widely as possible to find those areas of interest.

And though we ask our students to work hard in school & planning for their futures, we also invite them to enjoy their time in America!