Student Government Provides Leadership Opportunities

January 24th, 2017 | College Prep

The American Scholar Student Government held its first meeting of 2017 on Tuesday, January 10th.  Members discussed the roles and responsibilities of student representatives and began planning a Lunar New Year party for their peers.  Modeled on the Student Government bodies of American High Schools and Universities, the ASG Student Government provides their peers with a forum to discuss concerns relevant to the entire student body and helps to coordinate the planning and execution of student activities.  This organization’s goals are to increase student representation and involvement in the implementation of ASG activities and programs.  Each month, Student Government will review the scheduled activities for the next month and offer relevant student-centered feedback.  All ASG students are encouraged to participate in Student Government through the creation of the new position of Student Senator.

The first Student Government organized event of 2017 will be a Lunar New Year party, which will occur on Friday, January 27th, the evening before ASG’s annual Lunar New Year Luncheon.  In addition to dinner, activities for this event will include a photo booth operated by the ASG Vision Club, several traditional games from China, Korea, and Vietnam, as well as an hour of Karaoke.  For dessert, students will be able to choose between Tang Yuan and ice cream sundaes, an American favorite.  The students and staff of ASG are very excited for this fun filled evening as we celebrate the beginning of a new year!